#016: The Secret To Finding Value

The word “value” can mean several things. According to Webster, one definition is: ‘a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged’. Most musicians have used it to describe the relative length of a musical note. Another meaning is: ‘relative worth’. My question is: Do YOU Find Value in Your Life?” If so, can you define what makes it valuable? It is an important question and the answers can absolutely defeat sickness, calm anger, destroy depression, fill you with joy and make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.Ruler

When it comes to measuring value in our life, one place to start is to realize what value isn’t. We spend so much of our time trying to have enough money that it is easy to be deceived into thinking that money has ultimate value. That somehow if we accumulate enough, if we show our ability to earn enough, we will feel valuable. First of all have you ever met a wealthy person who puts a check mark by their net worth and says, “I did it. I don’t need to earn another dime.” It’s sad, really. All that time. All that effort. As the saying goes, “The richest man in the world can’t buy a minute.”

I am not saying that money has no value but I am saying it does not determine YOUR value.

So, what about time? Time also does not determine your value. If you feel you have all the time in the world, the result is boredom. Even worse, the feeling that is most associated with that is insignificance. There is no value in boredom or insignificance. So where do we find value in our lives so that we can defeat sickness, calm anger, destroy depression, be filled with joy and be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

The answer is simple. It starts with one word: “GRATITUDE”. Can you find one thing in your life for which to be grateful? Start small if you have to. First of all, you are obviously alive. Give thanks for that. Secondly you know the english language. I’m not trying to be funny here. Just knowing the english language gives you a massive edge on participating in the world wide economy. Give thanks. Third, you obviously can read. Give thanks. Someone cared enough about you to teach you to read. More thanks. Believe me. You have much to be thankful for. Do you know the average annual salary in Jamaica? $200. Let me say that again, “two hundred dollars a year”. I am told they are some of the happiest people anywhere. You are already likely rich beyond someone’s wildest dreams.

If you want to defeat sickness, calm anger, destroy depression, and all those other things, take a few minutes after you wake up. Look at yourself in the mirror and begin to say out loud all the things you have to be thankful for. In a recent study it was found that it is impossible to be grateful and depressed simultaneously.

I would be neglecting the best part of all if I withheld the following:

I could make a list that would fill volumes, of all that makes me grateful but at the top of each page, I would also have to put the Name of, “Jesus”. He is what I am most grateful for because all other good things are gifts from Him.

The Bible says, “Give thanks in all things for this is God’s Will for you.” I want to challenge you today. Begin with extreme gratitude. Be known as a grateful person. Put aside striving for more things to impress people you don’t even like. Give instead.

What are you most grateful for?

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