#30: Three Types of Communication You Must Master

There is no shortage of information on the subject of communication. Bookstore shelves are full of them. Being fascinated with the subject, I have read more than a few. It is the source of every conflict but at the same time, it is the source of healing every conflict. No matter what situation you’re in, the right communication will make it better and the wrong communication will make it worse. Here are three types of communication that are worth mastering.

1. Communication with Yourself:
I am sure it comes as no surprise to hear that there is a constant conversation going on in your head, 24-7. Much has been said about the subject and there is a lot of effort made to change it or even shut it down. It actually says a great deal about drug use in our culture. So, what is this conversation all about – and is there anything we can do about it? Is there anything we can do about it? I believe there is a LOT that can be done about it.

First, I believe that it is that very conversation that is the most familiar thing to us, about ourselves. Even an old man can have the same internal conversations that he had when he was a small child. This conversation lives in the part of us that is eternal and the conversation plays in some part to our choice that determines our eternity. To say that this communication is important would be the greatest underestimation possible. Jesus said, “Out of the heart, the mouth speaks” and “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

There are lots of ways to affect this conversation and I will make it a topic of another blog post, but the primary way to have an impact and see HUGE results from this change of thinking is to CHOOSE everything that goes into your mind. Jesus said, “Be careful what you listen to.” The apostle Paul said, “Hold every thought captive.” Practical ways to do that will also be a future subject. You can however have a lot to say about the things you listen to. They DO affect your communication with yourself. Listen to things that will make your internal communication say the right things about your world and yourself. Get away from any negative TV. If you don’t want to be worldly quit listening to worldly things! Force feed your mind positive entries. Listen to podcasts by the likes of Michael Hyatt, Ray Edwards, even Tony Robbins. I also highly recommend Alistair Begg, Ravi Zacharias and Jeff Wickwire. Change your thinking and you will alter that communication with yourself.

Lastly, affirm yourself daily with what the Bible says about you. It is the most trusted source for the truth about that subject.

2. Communication with Others:
This is the most obvious communication that you must master and the library is full of volumes on the subject. Do you know that you can have a big impact on the internal conversation that others are having? Actually, that is what we’re doing in communication. We are having an impact on the internal communication of another. Wow! We can actually be a source of the truth and change the course of a life, just by the things we say. If only we knew the power of that.

The bible has this to say about the subject: “Our tongue is like a rudder that controls an entire ship.” “If a man can control his tongue, he is a perfect man.” Want to be perfect? Spend some time controlling that tongue of yours. How about this? “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.” Oh, here is one to think about… God said “Let there be (fill in the blank),” and THERE it WAS! He didn’t fold His arms and blink His eyes. He spoke words. They are powerful. They should come with warning labels! Life or death in your words. Think about it. Give those around you life, to their dreams, their health, their feelings about themselves. You must master this to be effective.

3. Communication with God:
The single most important communication you can have is with your Maker. There are decisions you must make regarding this, of course. I believe my maker is Jesus Christ. I have settled that communication in my mind. His Word, the Bible, says that “All things were made by Him and there is nothing that is, that was not made by Him.” I believe that but you must settle what you believe. It is also my belief that mastering all three of these types of communication is made possible by this third one. See, He can give me supernatural strength to go against the things that make the other two impossible by my own strength. The better my communication is with Him, the more I see His answers to my prayers. Sometimes immediately. Often daily. This communication with Him will impact everything you do and it will add Life to your years, which is even better than adding years to your life.

My prayer today is that God blesses everything you put your hand to. Thank you in advance for helping me get my blog in the hands of those who may find it useful. Hit the share button above or below. It is the only way this message gets out. If you would, also enter your name and email address to get my posts sent right to your inbox. Trust me, you can’t count on Facebook or any other social media to get the updates. Thanks again! Now begin mastering these three types of communication and watch the changes in your own life.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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