#25: Are You a Performer or a Critic?

When it comes down to it, we are put in performance situations more than we realize. Not acting fake, but actually being real in fake situations. Whether you are in a meeting where you need to present an idea or product, trying to buy or sell an expensive item or property, at a job interview or meeting someone for the first time… all of these are ‘manufactured’ situations. So, it’s not about creating a fake personality in a real situation but more, the act of making decisions and presenting yourself or performing in a fabricated or unnatural environment. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet many professional performers… from local folks to mega stars like George Strait and Blake Shelton. The bigger the performer, the more of one thing I’ve noticed…blake

One thing that separates great, or even good performers from others is their lack of criticism. I hope as I learn to be a better performer, whether in my role as a husband, father, grand-father, employee, business owner… whatever the case may be, that I will become less critical and more intentional about doing so. We don’t need another devil’s advocate. We don’t need another critic. I dare even say that a decent performer can not be a critic. I also believe the opposite is true.

One step toward becoming better in your own life role is to reduce the natural analytic nature and foster your encouraging nature, performing rather than critiquing. I am praying that is happening in my own relationships and in yours.

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