#20: No accident

It's all about perspective.

According to mathematician Dr. Jason Marshall, there are about 700 million cubic meters of beach earth which works out to roughly 5 sextillion grains of sand (One sextillion is 10,000 million million million or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). Even more amazing? For every grain of sand, there are approximately 6 stars in the universe. stars

This was no result of a “sludge meets sludge” accident. The numbers referenced are estimates by some of history’s most intellectual individuals but Psalms 147 tells us that God has numbered and has a name for every star. Equally amazing is that God knows my name and your name. In Jeremiah we are told that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. Wrestle with that! It is an amazing fact that He knows us so well and still loves us. I think if anyone knew everything about any other person, they might find love for that person difficult.

God’s love for you is so profound that He knows every hair on your head, every thought you have, every mistake you’ve made, and still finds you completely irresistible!

A couple of other mind boggling fact is that each of those grains of sand, contains more atoms than there are stars in the sky. God in fact, created each atom. Still wondering if you can trust all that just because it’s in the Bible? Well consider that most people… not all but most, believed that the earth was flat until 1492. The book of Isaiah was written in 800 BC and Isaiah 40:22 says:

“It is God that sits on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers.”

Huh? So 2200 years before Columbus, The Bible said the earth was a circle… Not flat. I wonder what other Biblical knowledge we may uncover. One thing for sure, the God who created the stars, the sand, the atoms, the circle of the earth and all else, loves and cares for you more than the sparrow who falls from a nest. And yes, He knows and cares about Mr. sparrow, too. (Matthew 10:29)

It is so easy to praise such a loving and caring creator!

I pray that every reader will acknowledge the profound wonder that is God and worship Him deeply, even today. I am also praying that you will be blessed in all that you do.

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