#013: Reading– Five Ways You Can Influence Your Circumstance

John Maxwell is quoted as saying “Leaders read and Readers lead.” I heard Michael Hyatt say that he couldn’t think of an exception to that. I can’t either. It is important to determine what you read and I want to give you some real help in making choices about what you read, and how to find time to do it. It’s easier than you think and it will make an amazing difference in your life. I dare say nothing has impacted my own life more than the books I have digested. Renowned businessman, Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with.” open_book
I heard a Ray Edwards podcast where he altered the quote a bit to say “You are the average of the 5 people you choose to spend the most time with. I think that is more correct. So how does that play into reading? Well, if you’re like most, you don’t necessarily have the resources or the connections that would let you hang out with the people whom you would most like to be influenced by. It’s just that simple. But, you can certainly read writings and be influenced by many of those people. From experience I can tell you that it absolutely WORKS. I will give some examples and tell you how my own circumstances have been altered, and how yours can too.

#1. If you could pick 5 people whose average, you would become… well, a good start for me, is Jesus. His Words are readily available and I dare you to find one person who reads His Words everyday, who says, “My life is pretty much how it has always been.” The Bible will flat out change your thinking, your life, your relationships and your career. I am just one of millions of examples but I would say start there because it has had the most overall impact for me.

#2. Find books by people who have been successful in your field. If you are a musician, you already know what I’m talking about. Way before you had the opportunity to play with pros, you were woodshedding by a record player spinning Led Zep or Aerosmith, or whatever it was… and it changed your playing. We do it all the time. That same technique is available through books and so, if you want to be a better investor, read the books by and about Warren Buffett and the like. If you want to be a great chef, the shelves are full. You get the idea.

#3. If your marriage is not getting better, trust me, it’s getting worse. Books can make a big difference in relationships. Susan and I have gone through a large number of them together but if I could point you in the direction of one, it would be “Love & Respect” by Emmerson Eggerichs. It is the first book that gave me an accurate perspective as to why men and women have different needs, and practical help to get your relationship working in the right direction.

#4. Your character is of major importance so why not build your character by reading the likes of Oswald Chambers, A.W. Tozier, or Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee’s “The Normal Christian Life” radically changed my attitude. Oswald Chambers has unknowingly made me a man with a high level of patience. I’ve read in his devotional, “My Utmost For His Highest”, more days than not for over 25 years.

#5. You do not have to bury your head in the book to get some impact. Because it takes more time, I think actual reading can sink in a little more than using digital devices but in this modern digital age, using a kindle app or audio books is a valid option. One of my go-to guys for business leadership solutions is Michael Hyatt and I was surprised to learn that he ‘reads’ about 4 books a month almost solely through audio books. He does it while exercising. What a GREAT idea! Get exercise and the right input into your brain at the same time. I also highly recommend podcasts as a way to ‘spend time’ with your five influential people and I will talk more about that in a future blog.

In closing, we have learned that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Jesus also said that we should be careful what we listen to. With all of the negativity in the world, there are great options to renew our minds with positive input. Maybe a little less TV… whatever it takes, you can make big changes by getting the good information in.

I want to ask you to please register for my email in the top right hand of this blog site. Everyone who does will get some free Christmas music from me in December. Also, if you are interested in seeing more books that have made a difference in my life, I have an Amazon book store and there is a link to it in the right side margin of this page.

Please share and comment below on books that have impacted your own life. I would benefit from new book advice too! Thank you. I pray that you are blessed today in all that you put your hand to.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “#013: Reading– Five Ways You Can Influence Your Circumstance

  1. Very true. As a very busy mother of 3 and trying to work some hours per week I have found very difficult and challenging to read. Although I always have enjoyed the reading time lately I have not digested books too much, but the bible is the book I enjoy now especially in battle times along with the Hispanic preacher Guillermo Maldonado from King Jesus ministries. I need and I will look for more comforting literature. Love your articles, say hi to everyone in your family.

    • Thanks for your post, Dulce. And you’re right the Bible is THE book. Especially in battle times. If you’ve never read “My Utmost For His Highest”, it is just a book of daily reading and can really start off your day in the right way. I believe it has been translated into other languages, although I know your English is A+! God bless you and your family.