#012: Life Vs You. Who’s Running Who?

Do you ever get the feeling that you are constantly just reacting to the events of your life instead of making a plan and then having your life react to your plan? I imagine it happens to all of us at some point. I noticed it happening to me about three years ago and came up with a series of steps to put things back on track. Now, I usually catch it before it’s completely upside down. These 7 steps are what helped me switch the tables.hair2

1. Define Your Purpose.
Your purpose is what you believe to be the reason God hasn’t brought you home to Heaven yet. This is critical to getting back on track. Think about it: If you don’t have an idea of what your purpose is, how can you get “back” on track?

2. Understand Your Goals.
Goals and dreams are different. Goals have deadlines. Also, you must be able to define what reaching your goal looks like. If it’s ambiguous, you won’t know if you’re there, if you’re on your way, or if you are filling your time that gets you nowhere closer. Define your goals, write them down and set a deadline.

3. Divide Your Responsibilities.
This one is a little tricky. I like to start with two categories and go from there. My two beginning categories are:
(A) The things only I can do to accomplish the desired result.
(B) The things others can do and accomplish the same result.
There are times when I am required participate ONLY in the items belonging to column “A”. There are usually items in the “B” column that I enjoy doing but when Life begins to start running me, I revert to column “A”. I generally break these down even further to help prioritize my time, but it surprises me to learn how few folks have thought of this first division of responsibilities.

4. Schedule Your “Me” Time.
People get in trouble by scheduling 100% of their time. Some schedule even MORE than 100%. It’s really crazy. According to Chris Brogan, we should schedule 40% of our time to allow for the things that come up. Nothing runs long and well at 100%. Your car would die in :07 seconds. Your computer would explode or give-up. Yet we schedule 100% of our time and expect it to work. All that said, in your scheduling, schedule time for YOU. That means quiet time, study time, relationship building time, hobby time, reading time. This is a tough one. Trust me though, having a better you is not being selfish. All of those who work and relate to you, get a better you. Hey! Now you’re doing it for others.

5. Exercise Integrity.
Integrity is a primary pillar of your character. When your life begins dictating your actions and reactions, there is an obvious breech in your integrity. If you were asked, you would never say you want your SCHEDULE to be in charge of YOU. Since your life reflects differently, your integrity is out of check. Begin immediately to do everything you say. Likewise, say nothing you disbelieve. This is harder than you think. James 3:2 says “if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect”. Control your speech and then do what you say. It is impossible for me to overemphasize how much of an impact this has had on my life and how much it will affect yours as well.

6. Learn to Say No.
In order to get control of your schedule and time, you must learn to say NO. This is so hard for me that for a while I thought is was impossible. It isn’t. Practice it. Say it out loud now… “No thank you”. It is still hard for me and to make it a matter of practice, now I start with that answer (in my mind) and then see if there is a way to make it workable. If I am in control and I am running my life rather than the other way around, THEN, I give myself permission to look at the possibilities and decide whether I want to take it on. Saying yes this way gives me the opportunity to dictate my own schedule.

7. Declare What is True:
Last thing: I believe, (as I learned from Smith Wigglesworth), the Bible is the only thing that is 100% true. Declare aloud daily, truths from the Bible. It does not make one bit of difference if you see the truth or not in your current circumstances. You can declare and begin to believe the Word of God as perfect truth. I declare that:
1. God loves me and has called me to His purpose. I love Him in return.
2. He hears my prayers and they are effective.
3. I will not worry or be anxious for anything.
4. I hear God’s voice.
5. Everyone I see and everyone I meet encounters Christ today.

and (thanks Ray Edwards!)
6. Today is the best day yet!

All of these and hundreds more are available to you in God’s Word. I want to thank you for reading my post today and sharing it using the share buttons above and below. I also want to encourage you to apply these steps and let me know if they are helpful to you.

To end, I have a request: Would you go to the top, right-hand side of this page and register your name and email address for updates, free stuff and more? In November, I have a special announcement to make and all email registrants will receive a special gift! Details in my next post. Have a great day! I am praying that God gives you more time in your day and that you use it with wisdom.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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