#009: How To Turn Opposition into Opportunity

Would you believe that there is a way to change your perspective and not only view opposition as opportunity, but also take advantage of that opportunity and end up with productive results?
Well, there is. In fact, I believe this so much, that I suggest that without the element of opposition, there is little opportunity for growth.

Today I want to share with you, three solid ways to convert any opposition into a serious opportunity. I think they will be helpful suggestions that you can remember and add to your arsenal, for converting any opposition into opportunity.

1. It is important to be different. Regardless of your motivation, to make a difference you must BE different. One of the best ways to set yourself apart from the crowd is in how you handle conflict. Everyone has conflict in their life. Some more than others. Yet, not all handle the conflict the same way. This is true for believers and non-believers. But for the Christian, it is not only a good idea to handle conflicts differently, it is a matter of obedience. Consider these verses:

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt 5:9 KJV)

“God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven.” (Matt 5:11-12 NLT)

“Do nothing from strife or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself. (Phil 2:3)

Can you imagine the actual difference you would make in your home, your workplace, your relationships if you could follow just those three things? I urge you to believe that your life would change in a radical way.

2. True love can not be shown without opposition. Anyone can love when they are loved first. It’s also easy when you give love, and have it reciprocated with love, to keep giving more love. What is seemingly impossible, is to give love when you are mistreated, misunderstood, judged or even rejected. But this is the opportunity to show TRUE love. Think about the definition of love. It is exactly how we want to BE loved, and is exactly how we are to SHOW love:

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” (1 Cor 13)

My good friend, Josh Rogers, once told me that while doing a word-by-word translation of the Gospel of St. John, he got to John 15:13, “Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.” When translating the word “life”, he discovered that the word is best translated as “way of doing things… even to the point of death”. Wow! Can you imagine? Giving up ‘your way of doing things, even to the point that if it could cost you your life’ you would still do it the other person’s way. Keep in mind, if it’s their way, and not your way, you are likely in conflict with that person or at least, could be in conflict… but you give up your way for theirs. For sure, that is the greatest definition of true love and the opposition from conflict gives a unique opportunity to show it.

3. Overcoming Obstacles. It’s said that in life, we are stopped over and over by the same obstacle. In other words, every time we reach a certain point in our life, whether in a career, a relationship, or a growth in creativity or expertise, we get to a particular point and SCREECH!

Something happens and we can go no further. Most of the time, this sudden stop comes from opposition.

By resolving the conflict and moving beyond this type of obstacle, by working HARD to remove the obstacle and demanding more of yourself, this wall will disintegrate. Once in awhile it may not be hard work, it could be prayer or something else that breaks through this barrier. Almost always however, there is something you can do.

Here is a simple example:
All my life I have wanted to get in better physical shape. My opposition showed up as excuses…

• There was never time.
• I never had the energy.
• I was bored with the gym.
• The results were too slow.

Okay, so I needed to convert this opposition into opportunity. To start with, I got up an hour earlier. This took care of the first two excuses. The next thing I did was to hire a trainer. A good trainer. This eliminated the second two excuses. Now this presented a new issue: ‘paying for the trainer.’ But I concluded that I preferred to pay a trainer now, rather than doctors later. Would I still like to be even more physically fit? Yes. But I am overcoming the obstacle a little at a time and it is getting easier when I hit the old stopping place to keep going forward.

In closing, I hope you benefit from these ideas to convert opposition into opportunity. If you have other thoughts that will help me and others do the same, please post them and do me a favor. Click on the share button and share this blog with others. I’ll bet there is someone in your life that could use the encouragement and would like to learn how they too, can turn opposition into opportunity.

I am praying that you will have blessing heaped into your life and relationships! Thanks for reading and participating.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “#009: How To Turn Opposition into Opportunity

  1. You can not believe how your post are helping me to digest some situations that my husband and I are passing, my husband was fired of his job just because he went to a job interview with another company, besides that the bonus he was allowed to receive was incomplete in a 75%, it is hard to imagine how a person can act against other, but as you said in your post we the christian have to respond in obedience to our GOD. Your blogs are very inspirational and filled with love and hope. Your faith in JESUS encourage me to continue praying for the GOD’s favor and mercy even when we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope our faith in GOD help us to convert opposition into opportunity. Many blessing to you and your family.

    • Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words. It saddens me to hear of how your husband was treated. It is through that opposition, that Jesus can provide even more, however, and God is looking after you two and your family. Jesus IS our light and His light is very bright… even through the darkest of tunnels. Be encouraged and stay strong. I will also pray for the very best for your family. Your encouragement to me and my writing means very much.