My experience with Uber

Need a lift? (An uber review and Free Promo code)

So the whole Uber taxi thing was a little disconcerting to me. In fact, I don’t like Taxis in general. That said, there are times a person should take a cab and I actually like other people driving, believe it or not. Once during my time living in LA, I told my wife,”people would know I’d ‘made it’, not by the size of my house but because I’d hired a chauffeur.” Don’t get me wrong, I like driving… sometimes however, it’s more productive to ride, that’s all. uber

#21: Sarcasm – 5 Things You Should Know About the Truth Behind the Lie

It may or may not be obvious that when bloggers write about something, it most likely reveals what they themselves are going through or have gone through. Sometimes it may seem like we are pointing out something we have noticed in others while in fact, it’s a matter we’re dealing with, ourselves. My post today is a confession of sorts. Something for me to look back on. Like the day an alcoholic puts down a drink or the chronic glutton says, “no” to french fries once and for all, I hope to look back on this post for my own acknowledgement and correction.Sarcasm

#20: No accident

It's all about perspective.

According to mathematician Dr. Jason Marshall, there are about 700 million cubic meters of beach earth which works out to roughly 5 sextillion grains of sand (One sextillion is 10,000 million million million or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). Even more amazing? For every grain of sand, there are approximately 6 stars in the universe. stars

#019: Living to be 99

The one thing you must not do if you want to make it.

I was blessed to know both my grandfathers. Although he did not live to be as old as my father’s father, my mother’s father probably had more impact on the man I am still becoming, than any other male figure. He had every single trait I long to possess. I have often said that his life represented the life of Jesus with more accuracy than anyone I have ever met since. I will talk about him more in a future post, but I am thinking this morning about my grandfather on my father’s side. Albert.cake_flames