#012: Life Vs You. Who’s Running Who?

Do you ever get the feeling that you are constantly just reacting to the events of your life instead of making a plan and then having your life react to your plan? I imagine it happens to all of us at some point. I noticed it happening to me about three years ago and came up with a series of steps to put things back on track. Now, I usually catch it before it’s completely upside down. These 7 steps are what helped me switch the tables.hair2

#011: How Losing Everything Helped Me Find What Mattered Most

On January 1, 2012, my wife and I lost our home to a house fire. Easily the most difficult event in our 25 years of marriage. It was the place where we raised our two sons. It was the place where we held a house church for two years and baptized new believers in the swimming pool. It was where we saw our sons learn music and where we made recordings in the upstairs studio. However, It was actually what happened just before and just after the fire that changed my life the most.weddingring

#010: The Opposite of Satisfaction

Have you ever determined what it would take to give you long-term satisfaction? I’m talking about the kind of satisfaction that causes people to notice a glow of satisfaction everywhere you go. I believe to understand something that is universal in human desire yet so oblique in definition it helps to examine the opposite. In other words, understanding what satisfaction “isn’t” may help you determine what it “is”. Satisfaction