#001: The 3 Reasons I Began Blogging:

I have decided to begin blogging my posts rather than merely rely on Facebook for a place to record my observations and elicit conversations. On the chance that it leaves some of my friends and family scratching their heads, I want to give some explanation.

Here are the top three reasons I have decided to begin a Blog:

1. Anything I see on Facebook that is more than a few words generally has me going in another direction, while I have been known to spend hours reading the posts of Bloggers whom I appreciate and enjoy. Facebook is just not the place for extended copy. So, if I blog something and it is intriguing to you or you would like to share it, I would be thrilled, but I do not expect anyone to read a long post on Facebook. I will still comment and post short bits on Facebook and invite folks to my weekly posts but I will keep the lengthier posts on this Blog.

2. I can remark about posts that I have found either disturbing or offensive, without attacking the person or persons who have created or shared the post. By expressing my perspective in the blog, others can of course dialog and debate if desired but it won’t be at the expense of someone else expressing their viewpoint.

3. As a writer and radio producer, I find myself more and more interested with Podcasting and have several ideas for podcasts. (More on that in an upcoming blog post.) Blogging is a natural course on the way to doing that. My upcoming weekly blogs will include the following titles: How to Make a Positive Impact in a Negative Environment, 5 Ways to Measure Happiness, The Complexity of Simplicity and 10 Ways to Create Positive Results by Converting Fear into Faith. I am interested in your feedback on any and all of these ideas.

My goal is to use this opportunity as a way to build up the reader. I believe that any writing instrument should be used in the same way that a voice is used. Ephesians 4:29 says,

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

I hope to be able to share things I have learned and also reveal the realities of life as I am learning them. I also hope you will do the same and participate in the conversation!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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12 thoughts on “#001: The 3 Reasons I Began Blogging:

  1. I like the list of upcoming topics! Also, the choice of that scripture — something we all need to paste on the mirror we look into every morning.

  2. Rock on! RE: Fear and Faith, I like what Kenneth Copeland and Bill Winston have to say about it:
    “I REFUSE to let fear contaminate my Faith!”

  3. Thanks, sure it will be good, as you are very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, may God be glorified through you.

    • Thank you for coming along… and for the positive reinforcement, Liz! I think we will have a good time here.