#003: The Complexity of Simplicity

Over the past few years, I have felt an urgency to simplify my life. I’ve talked to many others who feel that same pull. It’s amazing to me how many devices we have purchased to make life simpler while at the same time piling more on our plate. It’s no secret that lots of things have been simplified by the computer. In my own experience alone, using Excel for spreadsheets versus hand writing actually simplifies by saving lots of man hours. The complexity comes from having literally hundreds of spreadsheets, as a result of the simplification. Certainly, having a portable phone would simplify our lives… unless we become glued to it. The statistics for addiction rates to cell phone usage are staggering.

A laptop would simplify everything, I once thought. Now, I carry my office everywhere I go and am often expected to use it! The list goes on. It’s obvious to me, that simplifying life has itself become complex.

Here are five things you can do starting today, that will help you simplify your life. They are things that are working for me, and I believe they will work for you.

#1 – Get up at least 30 minutes earlier
Oh NO! He didn’t say THAT! It’s true. Chances are you are not getting enough sleep already. More on the solution to that problem, later. It’s also what you do with those 30 minutes that is important. Simple things: Drink a big glass of water. It is the time of day you are most dehydrated and your brain needs it to help you keep things simplified. Next, spend time with your creator. God already knows what you have on your plate. You do not have time NOT to spend some alone time with Him, just focusing on what He wants, on His love for you, and seeking Him. We are so convinced we have to provide, protect and take care of ourself. It is one of the biggest lies we buy into. Jesus said, “Seek first, the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and you will have everything you need”. I am paraphrasing but that is what He said. Do yourself a favor and seek Him first. You WILL have more time in your day. Guaranteed.

#2 – Use the unknown feature on your phone
In a recent podcast, Ray Edwards talked about the unknown feature on your phone. They all have it, but almost no one knows about it and almost none of the people who are aware of it, use it. It is called the OFF button. I have decided that for two hours a day, I will simply turn the cell phone off. I hope to work up to longer. I plan to work myself up to one full day a week. We have to be intentional about this. Use this amazing feature during your blocked out schedule and plan time to return the calls and texts. It will simplify your life.

#3 Guard your attention

Not long ago, our most valuable commodity was time, before that it was money. Now, it has been proven that our greatest asset is our attention.

It is incredibly important that we guard our attention with our life. It is absolutely our most important and undervalued commodity. We sit down with people we love for a meal, place our cell phone on the table and take every text and call as though it deserved more attention than the person who is actually sitting across from us. Friends, it ought not to be so. We have become so addicted to our technology that we are devaluing the very people we love and want to assist through life. This is a complicated thing. It is a difficult habit to break but we must do so. I am planning time with each of my family members… no gadgetry, to give them my undivided attention, to actually hear what they are saying, to ensure that they feel loved and to give them my most valuable asset. My attention. Try this. It will simplify your life in ways that are indescribable. Your relationships will get easier, you will have more time and you will have less distractions.

#4 – Plan Your Day
Take 20 minutes -I recommend setting a timer- each day to plan tomorrow’s activities. Give each task an estimated time of completion and block it out on your calendar. I use the Google calendar for this. Give yourself 15 minutes between tasks for the distractions that normally occur. Wait until each task is done before doing any of the things that normally distract you (text messages, returning phone calls, etc.) Prioritize and do the things first, that must be done. The following day, when you are going through the tasks, note where you are unable to stay on your schedule and why. It may take a little practice but this day-before prep will simplify your workdays.

#5 – Go to bed at least 30 minutes early
Most of us are depriving ourselves of one of our most important resources: Sleep. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is an epidemic in the US. Lack of sleep can lead to Hallucinations, Brain Disease and even death. I believe most of our need to do so much comes from lack of trust in God. We believe we have to figure everything out… solve all of the issues. I like both Psalm 4:8 “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” and Proverbs 3:24 “If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” These verses are both about ultimately relying on God as our provider, caretaker and protector.

You ‘simply’ can not go wrong trusting in Him.

Thank you for reading and sharing this post. I hope it is a benefit to you. If you have other ideas I would love for you to comment. If any of these ideas are helpful to you, I appreciate those comments as well, and hope you will share it with your friends.

I pray that God blesses everything you put your hand toward!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “#003: The Complexity of Simplicity

  1. Well, Ken Halford nailed it once again. This is why I have so much respect for Ken. A man after God’s own heart, and absolutely brilliant. I’m going to set some goals for myself that are much needed to break my own addictions to the cell phone, FB, and email.

    • Thanks for the kind comments, Debra. Won’t it be great to be present with folks in real life rather than just rely on communication through email and text, etc.! I feel my life getting richer already. Be blessed!

  2. I have simplified my diet as well. My doctor recommended a very low carb lifestyle for me. I tossed everything I shouldn’t eat in the trash and only keep foods that are in a certain low carb range handy. I stopped fast foods and eating out except on special occasions. I also always take my lunch to work every day. I am amazed how much money I have saved and as a bonus, lost over 20 pounds!