#016: The Secret To Finding Value

The word “value” can mean several things. According to Webster, one definition is: ‘a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged’. Most musicians have used it to describe the relative length of a musical note. Another meaning is: ‘relative worth’. My question is: Do YOU Find Value in Your Life?” If so, can you define what makes it valuable? It is an important question and the answers can absolutely defeat sickness, calm anger, destroy depression, fill you with joy and make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.Ruler

#015: Marriage — Success through Weakness

For several years, Susan and I coached couples in our home and led the marriage ministry at a small church in Texas. It is one of the most fulfilling things we have ever done together and we both fell in love with the couples that participated in weekend video series like, “Laugh Your Way Through Marriage” and long-form book studies like, “Love And Respect”. Today, a week before our own anniversary, contemplating our own marriage, I am thinking about why that work is so special to us and it occurs to me that on our own, we aren’t necessarily all that good at the whole marriage thing. You see… MarriageCertificate