#014: Resolutions – 8 Tips on How To Not Give Up

I’ve said it myself before. “The only New Year’s resolution I am making this year is to NOT make any more resolutions!” Why do we get so discouraged about it? The answer’s easy. Resolutions are hard to keep. If it were easy, we wouldn’t have to “resolve” to do a thing. Thankfully, I have changed my position on New Year’s Resolutions and here are a couple of reasons why: Number one, it is good to make a goal out loud. Even better to write it down. Number Two, benchmark days actually make it easier to keep resolutions. Our biggest reason for failure when it comes to resolutions is that we know the failure rate. Worse, we know OUR failure rate. So, we don’t expect to keep our resolutions. Here are 8 tips on how to make the right resolutions and how to keep them.trophy